Lesson 3: A 2AFC trial

The goal in this lesson is to generate code to run a two-alternative forced-choice trial on a field of partially coherent moving dots. The subject will decide after a stimulus whether the overall motion of the dots was upward or downward.


the 'movingDots' function

Just like on a TV cooking show, I've written a useful function based on some of the ideas in Lesson 2 that we can pull out of the oven that animates moving dot stimuli. You can see how to use it by typing:

help movingDots
  Animates a field of moving dots based on parameters defined in the 'dots'
  structure over a period of seconds defined by 'duration'.
  The 'dots' structure must have the following parameters:
    nDots            Number of dots in the field
    speed            Speed of the dots (degrees/second)
    direction        Direction 0-360 clockwise from upward
    lifetime         Number of frames for each dot to live
    apertureSize     [x,y] size of elliptical aperture (degrees)
    center           [x,y] Center of the aperture (degrees)
    color            Color of the dot field [r,g,b] from 0-255
    size             Size of the dots (in pixels)
    coherence        Coherence from 0 (incoherent) to 1 (coherent)
  'dots' can be an array of structures so that multiple fields of dots can
  be shown at the same time.  The order that the dots are drawn is
  scrambled across fields so that one field won't occlude another.
  The 'display' structure requires the fields:
     width           Width of screen (cm)
     dist            Distance from screen (cm)
  And can also use the fields:
     skipChecks      If 1, turns off timing checks and verbosity (default 0)
     fixation        Information about fixation (see 'insertFixation.m')
     screenNum       screen number       
     bkColor         background color (default is [0,0,0])
     windowPtr       window pointer, set by 'OpenWindow'
     frameRate       frame rate, set by 'OpenWindow'
     resolution      pixel resolution, set by 'OpenWindow'

    showdemo movingDots

movingDots.m can put up multiple fields of moving dots along with a fixation spot. Each field can have its own speed, direction, color, lifetime, aperture size and location, size of dots and 'coherence' (more on coherence later).

Here's an example of two fields of overlapping dots on one side of the screen - one red moving upward and one green moving downward.

clear display dots
% Set display parameters
display.dist = 50;  %cm
display.width = 30; %cm
display.skipChecks = 1; %avoid Screen's timing checks and verbosity

% Field 1: Upward moving red dots
dots(1).nDots = 100;
dots(1).speed = 5;
dots(1).direction = 0;
dots(1).lifetime = 5;
dots(1).apertureSize = [6,6];
dots(1).center = [-7.5,0];
dots(1).color = [255,0,0];
dots(1).size = 5;
dots(1).coherence = 1;

% Field 2: Downward moving green dots
dots(2).nDots = 100;
dots(2).speed = 5;
dots(2).direction = 180;
dots(2).lifetime = 5;
dots(2).apertureSize = [6,6];
dots(2).center = [-7.5,0];
dots(2).color = [0,255,0];
dots(2).size = 5;
dots(2).coherence = 1;

duration = 5; %seconds
    display = OpenWindow(display);
catch ME

Motion coherence

The 'strength' of a moving dot stimulus is typically manipulated by changing the 'coherence' of the field, which is the proportion of dots moving in a particular direction. If there are 100 dots with direction 0 (up)0 and the coherence is set to 0.25, then 25 of the dots will move upward and the other 75 will be given random directions uniformly distribted from 0-360 degrees.

Here's an example of a single field of 15% coherent white dots in the center of the screen.

clear dots
dots.nDots = 200;
dots.speed = 5;
dots.direction = 0;
dots.lifetime = 12;
dots.apertureSize = [12,12];
dots.center = [0,0];
dots.color = [255,255,255];
dots.size = 8;
dots.coherence = .15;

duration = 5; %seconds
    display = OpenWindow(display);
catch ME

Did you see the weak upward motion? 15% coherence should be near your threshold for detecting motion.

The 'drawFixation' function

Notice the fixation spot. This was drawn by my function 'drawFixation.m'. It draws a box-shaped fixation point on top of a circular mask on every frame at the center of the screen. You can see how to use it by getting help:

help drawFixation
 display = drawFixation(display)
 Inserts a fixation point (smaller square inside a larger square) in the
 center of the screen and calls Screen's 'Flip' function.  
 Can use the field 'fixation' in the display structure, or uses the
 following default values:
    display.fixation.size       Size of fixation square
                                  default is 0.5 degrees
    display.fixation.mask       Size of circular 'mask' that surrounds the fixation
                                  default is 2 degrees
    display.fixation.color      Cell array for two outer and inner colors
                                  default is {[255,255,255],[0,0,0]}
    display.fixation.flip       Flag for whether or not to call Screen's
                                  'Flip function at the end.  Default is 1                          

The default values were used in the demo above. You can change them by changing values the display structure like this:

display.fixation.size = .25;  %default is .5 degrees
display.fixation.color = {[255,0,0],[0,0,255]};  %default is white and black
display.fixation.mask = 1;  %default is 2 degrees

    display = OpenWindow(display);
catch ME

Getting key press information

In order to get a subject's response, we need to read the keyboard. The best way to do this is with the PsychToolbox's 'KbCheck' function and its related friends.

% KbCheck returns three arguments:
%[ keyIsDown, timeSecs, keyCode ] = KbCheck;

% The first argument is a binary (or 'logical') variable that is 'true' if
% a key is currently being pressed.  The second is a value related to the
% time the key was first pressed, and the third is an integer that is a
% code for the key that was pressed. To decode the key code, use the
% function 'keyCode' which translates the integer into a string.

% Typically, KbCheck isn't used all by itself - it needs to be placed in a
% loop that keeps calling KbCheck and then handles the output.  This may
% seem like a hassle, but it's very useful because it gives you a lot of
% flexibility about how you handle subject responses.

% Here's a simple example using KbCheck to wait for the user to press a key
% and then displays the key that was pressed and how long the subject took
% to respond.

%disable output to the command window

keyIsDown = 0;
startTime = GetSecs;  %read the current time on the clock
disp('Please press a key.');
while ~keyIsDown  %if the key is not down, go into the loop
    [ keyIsDown, timeSecs, keyCode ] = KbCheck;  %read the keyboard
%enable output to the command window

%determine which key was pressed
key = KbName(keyCode);
%calculate the reaction time
RT = timeSecs-startTime;
%display the result
disp(sprintf('You pressed the "%s" key after %5.2f seconds',key,RT));
Please press a key.
You pressed the "return" key after 19.24 seconds

How does this work? The program goes into the 'while' loop and spins around until the variable 'keyIsDown' changes to anything but zero as the result of a key press. When this happens, the control flows out of the loop where the key is decoded and RT is calculated. The PsychToolbox function 'GetSecs' returns a high-precision clock time, where zero is arbitrary - it's values are useful only with respect to other calls to GetSecs.

% Here's a somewhat silly example using GetSecs.  The clock is first read
% and stored as variable 'a'.  The program then pauses for one second using
% Matlab's 'pause' function, and the clock is read again but stored into
% the variable 'b'.  The values of a and b are basically meaningless on
% their own, but their difference reflects the time between calls to
% GetSecs:

a = GetSecs
b = GetSecs
disp(sprintf('Time Elapsed: %5.4f seconds',b-a));
a =


b =


Time Elapsed: 1.0005 seconds

You might notice that the time, b-a, is not exactly equal to 1.00 seconds. This discrepancy is due to innacuracy with 'pause', not 'GetSecs'.

The 'waitTill' function

I've written a simple keyboard reading function using 'KbCheck' that aborts the wait after a predetermined amount of time. This is useful for experiments where the timing of the trials is important - such as in fMRI experiments where you have to get on with things if the subject doesn't respond in time. Here's an example of how to use it.

Run the next line of code and type stuff into the keyboard for the next few seconds:

disp('Please press some keys over the next five seconds');
[keys,RTs] = waitTill(5);
for i=1:length(keys)
    disp(sprintf('You pressed the "%s" key after %5.2f seconds',keys{i},RTs(i)));
Please press some keys over the next five seconds
Elapsed time is 5.100140 seconds.

'waitTill' can take in a second argument that holds the current time on the clock, as defined by the function GetSecs. This will be useful later when we're dealing with trial sequences and want to pause the program until the clock reaches a certain time.

Drawing text in real-world coordinates

Often in experiments we put up text strings for instructions to the observer. We'll do that in a bit to instruct the observer to press a key to begin, and to tell the observer which keys to press for a response.

We used the 'DrawText' function in Screen back in Lession 1. This draws a text string in a specified color with the upper-left corner at a specified location in pixel coordinates. Text parameters can be set using Screen functions like 'TextSize'.

I find this a bit clumsy, especially because I can't center the text. I've written a program 'drawText' that uses Screen's 'DrawText' but centers the text in real-world coordinates centered at the desired location. Here's some help on that function:

help drawText
  display = drawText(display,center,str,[col])
  Draws text string 'str' centered at center = [x,y] in real-world coordinates. 
  Text attributes can be set by setting the fields in 'display.text'. This
  sets the attrubute using the corresponding Screen function.  These attributes 
  are reset to the orignal values at the end of the function.
        color           black [0,0,0]    TextColor
        style           1 (bold).        TextStyle
        size            18               TextSize
        font            'Courier New'    TextFont
  See also: Screen('DrawText?')

%Here's an example of how it works:

clear display

% Set display parameters
display.dist = 50;  %cm
display.width = 30; %cm
display.skipChecks = 1; %avoid Screen's timing checks and verbosity

% display.text.size = 40;
 display.text.color = [255,255,0];
% display.text.style =2; display.text.font = 'Helvetica';

    display = OpenWindow(display);
    display = drawText(display,[0,0],'Don''t you love this Matlab class?');
    display = drawText(display,[0,0],'Don''t you love this Matlab class?',display.bkColor);
catch ME

A 2AFC trial with feedback

We're ready to present a partially correlated moving stimulus that could be either moving upward or downward, get the subject's response, and provide feedback by flashing the fixation green (correct) or red (incorrect).

First, we'll define the display and dot stimulus from scratch

clear display dots

% Set display parameters
display.dist = 50;  %cm
display.width = 30; %cm
display.skipChecks = 1; %avoid Screen's timing checks and verbosity

% Set up dot parameters
dots.nDots = 200;
dots.speed = 5;
dots.lifetime = 12;
dots.apertureSize = [12,12];
dots.center = [0,0];
dots.color = [255,255,255];
dots.size = 8;
dots.coherence = .5;

duration = 1; %seconds

%choose either up or down for the dot direction
trialDirection = ceil(rand(1)+.5);  %50/50 chance of a 1 (up) or a 2 (down)
dots.direction = (trialDirection-1)*180; %1 -> 0 degrees, 2 -> 180 degrees

%Start the trial

    display = OpenWindow(display);

    drawText(display,[0,6],'Press "u" for up and "d" for down',[255,255,255]);
    drawText(display,[0,5],'Press Any Key to Begin.',[255,255,255]);

    display = drawFixation(display);

    while KbCheck; end

    %Show the stimulus d

    %Get the response within the first second after the stimulus
    keys = waitTill(1);

    %Interpret the response provide feedback
    if isempty(keys)  %No key was pressed, yellow fixation
        correct = NaN;
        display.fixation.color{1} = [255,255,0];
        %Correct response, green fixation
        if (keys{end}(1)=='u' && dots.direction == 0) || (keys{end}(1)=='d' && dots.direction == 180)
            correct = 1;
            display.fixation.color{1} = [0,255,0];
            %Incorrect response, red fixation
        elseif (keys{end}(1)=='d' && dots.direction == 0) || (keys{end}(1)=='u' && dots.direction == 180)
            correct = 0;
            display.fixation.color{1} = [255,0,0];
            %Wrong key was pressed, blue fixation
            correct = NaN;
            display.fixation.color{1} = [0,0,255];

    %Flash the fixation with color
    display.fixation.color{1} = [255,255,255];

catch ME


  1. Edit the program above to loop through 10 trials of the 2AFC motion experiment and calculate your percent correct.
  2. Repeat this for the following coherence levels: .1,.2,.3,.4,.5. Then plot the percent correct on the y-axis as function of the coherence on the x-axis. This is a 'psychometric function'
  3. Use the 'drawText' and 'waitTill' to measure the response times on a Stroop task: Put up, for example, the word 'GREEN' in red text and have the subject type the first letter of the written word. Compare the RT's for this compared to when the color of the text matches the word.