1)     Quantitative assessment of slow vision*

2)     Origin of slow vision: Contributions of the central and peripheral nervous system*

3)     The effect of bifocals in children with Down Syndrome*

4)     Perceptual learning to reduce crowding effects in visually impaired children*

5)     Decision-making under uncertainty and ambiguity*

6)     Interactions between binocular rivalry and saccades

7)     The role of lateral inhibition in binocular motion rivalry

8)     Influence of stimulus strength in binocular motion rivalry

9)     The topography of egomotion processing*

10) Representation of head-centric visual flow in the human motion complex

11) Optimal control of saccades by the monkey superior colliculus

12) Effect of reflex blinks on saccade perturbations in humans 

13) Dynamic ensemble coding of saccades in monkey superior colliculus

14) Motion processing in human extra-striate visual cortex

15) Processing of egocentric and allocentric spatial visual information

16) Plasticity of compensatory eye movements

17) Eye head coordination in 2D under different sensorimotor conditions

18) see also


*recently started projects or work in progress

1.   quantitative assesment of slow vision

Research group:  J. Goossens, A. Barsingerhorn and N. Boonstra (Bartiméus)



For the majority of tasks in daily life we rely on visual information; the demands on our visual system become even greater in dynamic situations, for example in traffic, where visual information changes rapidly over time.  Most of young adults and children are able to deal with this information efficiently. However, if it takes too long to process and respond to visual stimuli problems occur.  Existing tests of visual acuity do not take into account the time that is needed to respond. In the Netherlands, people who seek help because they encounter problems of slow vision do not receive assistance from institutes for the visually impaired or rehabilitation facilities. At present the definition of visual impairment is primarily based on distant visual acuity and visual field. There are no internationally accepted tests to measure reaction time in acuity testing. Nevertheless, many children and adults, both normally sighted as visually impaired, complain about problems in coping with various daily activities due to slow vision. For example, children need more time to complete exercises at school and both adults as well as children encounter problems when using digitized information (e.g. using computers) or with participation in traffic. We need validated tests to measure the time children and adults need to respond to visual stimuli. Reaction times measurements could be combined with the measurement of visual acuity (at distance and near). With this method we can then estimate the delay that normally sighted and visually impaired persons experience in daily activities such as work, school and traffic.

Because visual task performance is characterized by speed-accuracy tradeoffs, measurements of both speed and accuracy are key to better quantify visual impairment. In this study, we will therefore develop new tools to measure “perception time” during the assessment of visual acuity. In principle our perception-time measurements could depend on several factors including: 1) the time subjects need to foveate the optotype by making eye movements towards it, 2) the stability with which they can keep their eyes fixated on the optotype, and 3) the time they need to identify a foveated optotype. Little is known, however, about the way children develop strategies to focus on a distant target, how they use eye movements (saccades) and how they cope with disturbing factors (distracters, noise, crowding).  To further assess the contribution of these factors, we will therefore measure the eye movements during the modified acuity-speed tests using a new stereoscopic eye-tracking instrument that works without individual calibration.


Funded by: ODAS foundation


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2.   neural origin of slow vision: contributions of the central and peripheral nervous system

Research group:  J. Goossens, K. Woutersen, A.V. van den Berg , N. Boonstra (Bartiméus) and T. Theelen (Ophthalmology dept)



A group of children and adults has presented itself to the Bartiméus institute and the department of ophthalmology Radboudumc with complaints about slow vision at school or work but they do not meet any of the diagnostic criteria for visual impairment. Indeed, task performance in daily life is more complex than visual performance alone since it involves motor and cognitive factors as well.

In this project, we will first determine if our newly developed speed-acuity test or the existing useful field of view (UFOV) test are valid psychophysical methods to better characterize the impairment in this group of patients. Because the origin of their problem is unknown, we will also investigate their visual and attentional system using a variety of techniques. Both peripheral and central factors may contribute.  In collaboration with the ophthalmology department we will therefore test the integrity of the retina using functional optical coherence tomography (fOCT) and electrophysiological examination (visual-evoked potentials (VEP) and (multifocal)electroretinogram (ERG/mERG)). To assess the contribution of more central (e.g., attention) deficits, we will measure fMRI and MEG activity. By linking the neuroimaging results to the psychophysical results we hope to gain a much better understanding of the neural dysfunctioning in slow vision.


Funded by: Donders Centre for Neuroscience of the Donders Institute


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3.   The effect of bifocals in children with down syndrome

Research group:  J. Goossens, C. de Weger-Zijlstra and N. Boonstra (Bartiméus)



DS is one of the most common genetic anomalies, occurring in about 14.6 in 10000 live births in the Netherlands in 2007. Near vision is reduced in 86 to 100% of the children with Down Syndrome (DS). This is an additional barrier achieving their maximum potential in development. In the last two decades many research is done to find out the differences in ocular findings between children with and children without DS. Refraction errors, which have to be corrected with glasses, are common (percentages vary from 40 to 90%) and aggravate over time. The accommodation (focussing for near) is consistent reduced in 50 to 100% of children with DS and does not improve with age. In contrast to children without DS glasses for distance vision don’t improve near vision. Children with DS see  blurred at near. Some authors have suggested a relationship between this blurred retinal image and the absence of emmetropisation (decrease of refraction error), others see a crucial relationship with the defective visual development of children with DS, presenting in visual acuities that do not reach normal levels, generally 20/40 or lower. Moreover the effort to accommodate may give rise to strabismus, which occurs far more often in children with DS, in 15 to 47% (versus 3 to 4% in normal population) and could be avoided or cured by wearing the right glasses. Bifocal correction is such a tailor-made treatment for the eye disorders in DS. Results shown in smaller studies on the effect of bifocals are encouraging: 1) Improved visual acuity for near, 2) Significantly more accurate accommodation in the bifocal-treatment group, 3) Positive impact on visual functioning: Faster and improved performance on visual perceptual and some early literacy skills. 4) Bifocals were used with good compliance, and 5) Prevention of avoidable visual impairment. In this project, we will perform a multicentre randomised controlled trail (RCT), the most suitable design for effects of interventions. Our objectives are 1) to generate evidence of improved visual functioning (both visual acuity at near and at distance as well as accommodation accuracy) with bifocals and 2) to assess task-readiness by monitoring executive functions.


Funded by: LSBS, Oogfonds, ODAS and Novartis


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4.   Perceptual learning to reduce crowding effects in visually impaired children

Research group:  J. Goossens, B. Huurneman and N. Boonstra (Bartiméus)



Foveal crowding is a phenomenon in which adjacent objects degrade recognition of an object in central vision. A higher degree of crowding has been associated with slower reading rates and could also hinder the acquisition of reading skills. Visually impaired children show a higher degree of crowding than children with normal vision. Classically, crowding has been explained by three causes: contour interaction (sensory aspect), fixational stability (motor aspect), and selective attention (cognitive aspect). However, the unique contribution of these individual factors on explaining the strength of crowding effects has not been investigated yet.

A recent therapy to decrease crowding is based on Perceptual Learning (PL). PL occurs when visual tasks are practiced repeatedly, and can lead to drastic, long-term improvements in performing these tasks. PL can improve visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution of the visual system in children with amblyopia. It can reduce foveal and peripheral crowding in students with normal vision, adults with normal vision, and adults with amblyopia. PL in adults with low vision can improve visual search speed and accuracy and reading speed. PL exercises are usually presented on a computer. This has several advantages: it can be performed at home, progress can be easily tracked, and task difficulty is automatically adjusted to the child’s abilities.

The objectives of this study are: 1) to disentangle the contribution of different aspects on the strength of crowding effects in visually impaired children, and 2) to evaluate the effect of PL on the reduction of crowding effects in visually impaired children. More fundamental research questions that we will address are: Can oculomotor control be improved with PL? Or are training effects only observable in the sensory domain? Are task improvements after PL specific (only training task) or are there general improvements in oculomotor control, visual acuity, or reading performance?


Funded by: ODAS, LSBS and Vereniging Bartiméus-Sonneheerdt


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5.   Decision-making under uncertainty and ambiguity

Research group:  J. Goossens, J. Kalisvaart and I. Klaver



When confronted with an ambiguous stimulus, the brain somehow has to decide which of the two possible images is perceived, making binocular rivalry and visual decision-making conceptually very similar processes. Yet, in the literature, these two phenomena have been explained by distinctly different mechanisms and models. In a human psychophysical study (Kalisvaart et al., 2011), we therefore studied decision-making under rivalrous and noisy stimulus conditions using random-dot motion stimuli that differed between the left and the right eye in different ways. We found that speed and accuracy of motion-direction discrimination was similar when observers viewed noisy, unambiguous motion patterns in which signal dots were either at identical or at different, uncorrelated locations for the two eyes. This result is consistent with a race between two monocular drift-diffusion processes. However, reaction times increased significantly under rivalry conditions and this increase could not be explained by motion transparency. Our data thus revealed competitive binocular interactions. We developed a model which combines the key elements of diffusion models (i.e., accumulation of evidence) and rivalry models (i.e., feedback competitive interactions) and showed that our new model is able to predict the choice behavior and reaction times in both an unambiguous but noisy decision making task, as well as in a situation with ambiguous motion.

We also tested one monkey subject under similar task conditions while recording single-unit activity in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), and we are currently collecting data from a second animal. The behavioral data indicate that their motion judgments (which they indicate by manual lever presses) under uncertainty and rivalry is comparable to that of humans, and preliminary analysis of the cell data indicates that response-delay in the rivalry condition is reflected in the activity of PPC neurons.

In another human psychophysical study (Kalisvaart et al., 2013) we studied saccade target-selection. In the ambiguous condition we presented two simultaneously-flashed targets that reversed their intensity difference during each presentation, and instructed subjects to make a saccade towards the brightest target. All subjects preferentially chose the target that was brightest during the first stimulus phase. Unless this first phase lasted only 40 ms, this primacy effect persisted even if the second, reversed-intensity phase lasted longer. This effect did not result from premature commitment to the initially-dominant target; a strong target imbalance in the opposite direction later on drove nearly all responses towards that location. Moreover, there was a non-monotonic relation between primacy and target imbalance; increasing the target imbalance beyond 40 cd/m2 caused an attenuation of primacy. These are the hallmarks of hysteresis, predicted by models in which target-representations compete through strong feedback. Our findings thus showed that our feedback competition model, designed originally to describe the choice behavior at the onset of binocular rivalry could also predict our subjects’ saccade behavior. Ongoing experiments aim to test this feedback competition model using neurophysiological recordings in rhesus macaques.





Intensity reversal paradigm. See Kalisvaart et. al., J. Neurosci., 2013 for details



Choices are predicted by models in which

target representations compete through strong feedback



o   Kalisvaart J., Noest A.J., van den Berg A., Goossens J.

Saccade target selection relies on feedback competitive signal integration.

J. Neurosci., 33:12077-12089, 2013

o   Kalisvaart J., Klaver I., Goossens J.

Motion discrimination under uncertainty and ambiguity.

J. Vision, 11:1-21, 2011


Funded by: VIDI Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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6.   Interactions between binocular rivarly and saccades

Research group:  J. Goossens, J. Kalisvaart,



A saccade moves the image over the retina. Because of the retinotopic organization of the visual system, after the saccade a different cell population is stimulated by the stimulus than before. This new population clearly has a different adaptation history. Indeed, there is quite some evidence showing that there is some interaction between eye movements and perceptual alternations in binocular rivalry. Several studies, however, have shown by either compensating for occurring eye movements or using afterimages that eye movements are not necessary for perceptual alternations to occur. Thus, the effects of saccades on binocular rivalry are not trivial and studying saccades is an interesting way to reveal the location of the rivalry process in the brain. If rivalry is purely a low level, local process, the new population of cells that gets stimulated after the saccade would see the stimulus after the saccade as a new stimulus, resulting in onset rivalry that is indistinguishable from the situation in which the stimulus moved, instead of the eyes. In contrast, if higher order processes are involved in binocular rivalry, the percept after a saccade might be different from the percept after a passive stimulus movement. We therefore investigated the effect of saccades on binocular rivalry. In one set of experiments (Kalisvaart et al., PLoS ONE, 2011), we studied the effect of a single, 4° saccade on the rivalry process in comparison with a similar but passive movement of the stimulus over the retina. We found that both active saccades and passive stimulus movements trigger onset rivalry, but not to the same extent, suggesting the involvement of extra-retinal signals (eye-movement related) in binocular rivalry.

In a second series of experiments (Kalisvaart & Goossens, PLoS ONE, 2013), we instructed subjects to make many saccades of different sizes while watching an ambiguous stimulus, and compared the perceptual switch probability around the time of the saccade with the behavior around similar, but passively induced, stimulus movements. We found a strong relation between large (>1°) saccades and perceptual switches, but small (<1°) saccades did not seem to influence the rivalry process at all. Stimulus jumps of all amplitudes, on the other hand, were found to be related to perceptual switches. These results further corroborate our conclusion that extra-retinal signals are involved in the rivalry process.

Interestingly, in the macaque monkey, we find that during sustained binocular motion rivalry many cells in PPC exhibit a burst of activity right after a saccade. We suspect that these are visual transients evoked by the eye displacement. We are now pursuing the question whether these responses are different for different saccade amplitudes, and whether the occurrence of these bursts is linked to the observed correlation between percept switches and saccade occurrences.



o   Kalisvaart J., Goossens J.

Influence of retinal image shifts and extra-retinal eye movement signals on binocular rivalry alternations.

PLoS ONE, 8(4):e61702, 2013

o   Kalisvaart J., Rampersad S., Goossens J.

Binocular onset rivalry at the time of saccades and stimulus jumps.

PLoS ONE, 6(6):e20017, 2011


Funded by: VIDI Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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7.   The Role of lateral inhibition in binocular motion rivalry

Research group:  J. Goossens and A. Platonov



It is generally believed that percept alternations in binocular rivalry result from the interplay between mutual inhibition and slow adaptation of the competing percepts, but the nature of this mutual inhibition is still unknown. To fill this gap, we presented human subjects with dichoptic random-dot motion stimuli, and manipulated the angle between the monocular directions of motion from pure opponent horizontal motion to pure vertical motion in the same direction (Platonov & Goossens, 2013a). We found that decreasing the angle between the two monocular directions of motion increased the predominance and mean dominance durations of the motion pattern presented to the ocular dominant eye (as identified by the hole-in-card test). This effect was stronger if the contrast of the stimuli was lowered. Computer simulations showed that these features are a hallmark of weighted lateral inhibition between populations of directionally-tuned motion-sensitive neurons. Our findings thus suggest dominance and suppression in binocular rivalry arises naturally from this fundamental principle in sensory processing.



Parsimonious population model for binocular motion rivalry. See Platonov & Goossens, J. Vision, 2013, for details.



Response of the network for decreasing motion–direction disparity and contrast matches the behavior of our subjects.




o   Platonov A., Goossens J.

The role of lateral inhibition in binocular motion rivalry.

J. Vision, doi:10.1167/13.6.12, 2013


Funded by: VIDI Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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8.   Influence of stimulus strength in binocular motion rivalry

Research group:  J. Goossens and A. Platonov



Levelt’s four propositions (L1-L4), which characterize the relation between changes in “stimulus strength” in the two eyes and percept alternations, are considered as the benchmark for binocular rivalry models. It was recently demonstrated that adaptation mutual-inhibition models of binocular rivalry capture L4 only in a limited range of input strengths, predicting an increase rather than a decrease in dominance durations with increasing stimulus strength for weak stimuli. This observation challenges the validity of those models, but possibly L4 itself is invalid.  So far, L1-L4 have been tested mainly by varying the contrast of static stimuli, but since visual awareness brakes down at low contrasts, it has been difficult to study L4. To circumvent this problem, and to test if the recent revision of L2 has more general validity, we studied changes in binocular rivalry evoked by manipulating coherence of oppositely-moving random-dot stimuli in the two eyes, and compared them against the effects of stimulus contrast (Platonov & Goossens, 2013b). Both contrast and coherence manipulations in one eye produced robust changes in both eyes; dominance durations of the eye receiving the stronger stimulus increased while those of the other eye decreased, albeit less steeply. This is inconsistent with L2 but supports its revision. When coherence was augmented in both eyes simultaneously, dominance durations first increased at low coherence, and then decreased for further increases in coherence. The same held true for the alternation periods. The initial increase in dominance durations was absent in the contrast experiments, but with coherence manipulations, rivalry could be tested at much lower stimulus strengths. Thus, we found in humans that L4, like L2, is only valid in a limited range of stimulus strengths. Outside that range, the opposite is true. Apparent discrepancies between contrast and coherence experiments could be fully reconciled with adaptation mutual-inhibition models using a simple input transfer-function.



o   Platonov A., Goossens J.

Influence of contrast and coherence on the temporal dynamics of binocular motion rivalry.

PLoS ONE, 8(8):e71931, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.007193, 2013


Funded by: VIDI Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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9.   The topography of egomotion perception

Research group:  A.V. van den Berg, D. Arnoldussen, J. Goossens



Recent investigations indicate that retinal motion is not directly available for perception when moving around (1), possibly pointing to suppression of retinal speed sensitivity in motion areas. Here, we investigated the distribution of retino-centric and headcentric representations of self rotation in human lower-tier visual motion areas. fMRI responses were measured to a set of visual self-motion stimuli with different levels of simulated gaze and simulated head rotation. A parametric GLM-analysis of the BOLD responses revealed sub-regions of area V3A, V6+, MT, and MST that were specifically modulated by the speed of the rotational flow relative to the eye and head. Pursuit signals, which link the two reference frames, were also identified in these areas. To our knowledge, these results are the first demonstration of multiple visual representations of self-motion in these areas.  The existence of such adjacent representations points to early transformations of the reference frame for visual self-motion signals and a topography by visual reference frame in lower-order motion-sensitive areas.  This suggests that visual decisions for action and perception may take into account retinal and head-centric motion signals according to task requirements.



o   Arnoldussen, D.M., Goossens, J., van den Berg, A.

Visual perception of axes of head rotation.

Front. Behav. Neurosci., 7:11. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00011, 2013

o   Arnoldussen D, Goossens J., van den Berg A.

Adjacent visual representations of self-motion in different reference frames.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108-28:11668-11673, 2011


Funded by: NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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10.         Representation of Head-centric flow in the human motion complex

Research group:  J. Goossens, S. Dukelow, R. Menon (Robarts Institute, London, ON), T. Vilis (UWO, London, ON) and A.V. van den Berg (Univ. Utrecht),



Recent neuro-imaging studies have identified putative homologues of macaque areas MT and MST in humans. Little is known about the integration of visual and non-visual signals in human motion areas compared to monkeys. Through extra-retinal signals the brain can factor out the components of visual flow on the retina that are induced by eye-in-head and head-in-space rotations, and achieve a representation of flow relative to the head (head-centric flow) or body (body-centric flow). Here, we used fMRI to test whether extraretinal eye-movement signals modulate responses to visual flow in the human MT+ complex. We distinguished between MT and MST, and tested whether subdivisions of these areas may transform the retinal flow into head-centric flow. We report that interactions between eye movement signals and visual flow are not evenly distributed across MT+. Pursuit hardly influenced the response of MT to flow while the responses in MST to the same retinal stimuli were stronger during pursuit than during fixation. We also identified two sub regions in which the flow-related responses were boosted significantly by pursuit, one overlapping part of MST. In addition, we find evidence of a metric relation between rotational flow relative to the head and fMRI signals in a sub region of MST. The latter findings provide an important advance over published single-cell recordings in monkey MST. A visual representation of the head’s rotation in the world derived from head-centric flow may supplement semicircular canals signals, and is appropriate for cross-calibrating vestibular and visual signals.



o   H.H.L.M. Goossens, S.P. Dukelow, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis. A.V. van den Berg,

Representation of head-centric flow in the human motion complex.

J. Neurosci., 26:5616-5627, 2006.

o   H.C. Golz, S.P. Dukelow, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.C. Culham, A.V. van den Berg, H.H.L.M. Goossens, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis.

A putative homologue of monkey area VIP in humans.

Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 27, 58.3, 2001


Funded by: the Human Frontiers Science Program


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11.         optimal control of saccades by the monkey superior colliculus

Research group:  J. Goossens and J. Van Opstal


A major challenge in computational neurobiology is to understand how populations of noisy, broadly-tuned neurons in the brain produce accurate goal-directed actions such as saccades. Saccades are high-velocity eye movements that have stereotyped, nonlinear kinematics; their duration increases with amplitude, while peak eye-velocity saturates for large saccades. Recent theories suggest that these characteristics reflect a deliberate strategy that optimizes speed-accuracy tradeoff in the presence of signal-dependent noise in the neural control signals. Here we argue that the midbrain superior colliculus (SC), a key sensorimotor interface that contains a topographically-organized map of saccade vectors, is in an ideal position to implement such an optimization principle. Most previous models attribute the nonlinear saccade kinematics to saturation in the brainstem pulse generator downstream from the SC. However, there is little data to support this assumption. In this project we obtained new neurophysiological evidence for an alternative scheme, which proposes that these properties reside in the spatial-temporal dynamics of SC activity.




As predicted by this scheme, we found a remarkably systematic organization in the burst properties of saccade-related neurons along the rostral-to-caudal (i.e., amplitude-coding) dimension of the SC motor map: peak firing-rates systematically decrease for cells encoding larger saccades, while burst durations and skewness increase, suggesting that this spatial gradient underlies the increase in duration and skewness of the eye velocity profiles with amplitude. We also show that all neurons in the recruited population synchronize their burst profiles, indicating that the burst-timing of each cell is determined by the planned saccade vector in which it participates, rather than by its anatomical location. Together with the observation that saccade-related SC cells indeed show signal-dependent noise, this precisely tuned organization of SC burst activity strongly supports the notion of an optimal motor-control principle embedded in the SC motor map as it fully accounts for the straight trajectories and kinematic nonlinearity of saccades.





o   Goossens, H.H.L.M., van Opstal A.J.

Optimal control of saccades by spatial-temporal activity patterns in the monkey superior colliculus.
PloS Comput. Biol. 8(5):e1002508, 2012

o   van der Willigen, R.F., Goossens H.H.L.M., van Opstal A.J.

Linear visuomotor transformations in midbrain superior colliculus control saccadic eye movements

J. Integr. Neurosci., 10(3):277-301, 2011

o   van Opstal, A.J., Goossens, H.H.L.M.

Linear ensemble-coding in midbrain superior colliculus specifies saccade kinematics.

Biol. Cybern., 98:561:577, 2008


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12.         Effect of reflex blinks on saccade perturations in humans

Research group:  J. Goossens and J. Van Opstal


In this project we demonstrated that the quantitative effects of blinks on saccades depend on the magnitude of the evoked blinks as well as on the nature of the applied stimulus. We obtained slow, strongly curved saccades when blinks were evoked by an air-puff, while straight, briefly interrupted saccades were obtained when blinks were evoked with electrical stimulation of the supra-orbital nerve. Although both types of blinks produced considerable changes and variability in the kinematics of the saccades, their 2D endpoints remained as accurate and as precise as the ones in the control condition. The results demonstrate that the influence of blinks on the central programming of saccades in humans consists of (at least) two separate components: 1) inhibition of a central eye-velocity command that specifies a straight, intended eye movement trajectory, and 2) superposition of horizontal and vertical back and forth movements of the eye, the amplitude of which depends on the nature and magnitude of the evoked reflex blink. Our findings are clearly in line with the hypothesis that trigeminal inputs influence the programming of saccades at the level of the midbrain superior colliculus in such a way that its output represents a slow but straight intended eye movement, and that pure blink-related eye movements are superimposed on this movement command downstream, giving rise to perturbations of the 2D saccade trajectory. This hypothesis resulted from earlier studies in the monkey (Goossens and van Opstal, 2000; 2006).



o   Goossens, H.H.L.M. and Van Opstal, A.J.

Differential effects of reflex blinks on saccade perturbations in humans.

J. Neurophysiol., 103:1685-1695, 2010


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13.         Dynamic ensemble coding of saccades in Monkey superior Colliculus

Research group:  J. Goossens and J. van Opstal

The deeper layers of the midbrain superior colliculus (SC) contain a topographic motor map in which a localized population of cells is recruited for each saccade, but how the brainstem decodes the dynamic SC output is still unclear. The reason for the current controversy is that most studies have analyzed SC responses to stereotyped saccades with little variability in trajectories and kinematics. In an attempt to resolve this issue, we have now analyzed the responses of 139 saccade-related neurons in teh SC to test a new dynamic ensemble-coding model, which proposes that each spike from each SC neuron adds a site-specific contribution to the intended eye movement command.
As predicted by this simple theory, we have found that the cumulative number of spikes in the burst is tightly related to the ideal straight eye-displacement trajectory, both for normal saccades and for slow, strongly curved saccades. This dynamic relation depends systematically on the metrics of the saccade vector, and can be fully predicted from a quantitative description of the cell's classical movement field, by introducing the concept of the dynamic movement field.
We further show that a linear feedback model of the brainstem, which applies dynamic vector summation to measured SC firing patterns, followed by linear decomposition of the vector into two independent linear feedback loops, produces realistic saccade trajectories and kinematics (see figure, top).
Finally, the model also explains the specific pattern of changes in saccade metrics and kinematics after a small, localized lesion in the SC (Lee et al., Nature, 1988; figure, below).
We conclude that the SC acts as a nonlinear, vectorial saccade generator that upon the presentation of a single peripheral target programs an optimal, straight eye-movement trajectory. We also propose that the SC is positioned upstream from the local feedback loop.


For details see: Goossens and Van Opstal, J. of Neurophysiol. 95: 2326-2341, 2006 [Pdf]


o   Goossens, H.H.L.M. and Van Opstal, A.J.

Dynamic Ensemble Coding of Saccades in Monkey Superior Colliculus

 J Neurophysiol. 95: 2326-2341, 2006

o   Goossens, H.H.L.M., Van Opstal, A.J.

Blink-perturbed saccades in monkey. I. Behavioral analysis.

J. Neurophysiol., 83:3411-3429, 2000.

o   Goossens, H.H.L.M., Van Opstal, A.J.

Blink-perturbed saccades in monkey. II. Superior colliculus activity.

J. Neurophysiol., 83:3430-3452, 2000.


Funded by: NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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14.         Motion processing in human extra-striate visual cortex

Research group:  J. Goossens, A.V. van den Berg (Univ. Utrecht), and T. Vilis (UWO, London, Ontario).



Motion perception is one of the prime visual modalities. Apart from the perception of object motion per se, it supports goal directed behavior like eye and hand movement. It contributes to maintaining balance and the control of locomotion and finally it plays various roles in visual perception of spatial relations, object and surface properties. The physiological study of motion perception has long focused on the activation of a specialized motion sensitive area in the temporal cortex: area MT and its satellite, area MST. Recent studies have uncovered a host of other motion sensitive areas in the brain of monkeys and humans (using fMRI). It is so far only partially understood to what extent these motion sensitive areas have different functional roles. Conceivably, certain areas will process visual motion signals appropriate for e.g. locomotion and maintenance of balance (presumably including area MST), whereas others may be more involved in the processing of motion signals for object analysis. Further subdivisions could relate to the work range (motion near the head vs. more distant motion).



Receptive fields in the ventral intraparietal (VIP) area of macaque brain respond to visual motion (especially for movement near and toward the head) and tactile stimulation of the face. This suggests VIP is involved in coding motion toward the head and guiding the hands toward the face. We sought to identify a comparable human area using a) visual, b), tactile and c) combined stimuli in a series of fMRI experiments (4T scanner; Robarts Research Institute, UWO). In 12 human subjects, an area in the anterior region of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) responded to visual motion, facial stimulation and the combination of the two. This area is a likely human homologue of monkey area VIP and is in a similar location to a human area with cross-modal responses (visual, auditory, tactile; Bremmer, 2001). We also observed activation in the posterior IPS in response to visual motion and combined motion and touching, but not to stimulation in darkness. An area in the superior temporal sulcus (STS) was strongly activated by all three experimental conditions. Area MT+ was modulated strongly by conditions (a) and (b), but (c) activated only a small anterior subregion of the MT+ complex. These findings suggest that a human VIP homologue as well as other regions (STS, MT+) are engaged in cross modal processing.



o   S.P. Dukelow, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.C. Culham, A.V. van den Berg, H.C. Golz, H.H.L.M. Goossens, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis.

Somatosensory, visual motion and eye movement responses in human extra-striate cortex.  Submitted.

o   H.C. Golz, S.P. Dukelow, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.C. Culham, A.V. van den Berg, H.H.L.M. Goossens, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis.

A putative homologue of monkey area VIP in humans.

Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 27, 58.3, 2001

o   H.H.L.M. Goossens, S.P. Dukelow, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis. A.V. van den Berg,

Representation of head-centric flow in the human motion complex.

J. Neurosci., 26:5616-5627, 2006


Funded by: Human Frontiers Science Program


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15.         Processing of egocentric and allocentric spatial visual information

Research group:  J. Goossens, G. Van Elswijk



Establishing a coherent, internal representation of our environment and maintaining its integrity during eye movements are thought to be crucial for the guidance of movement as well as cognitive spatial tasks. To obtain a stable representation of space, the brain may use egocentric signals such as eye position to compensate for gaze shifts, or exploit the image contents to determine associated locations of objects. The aim of this project is to characterize the interactions between both sources of information at the behavioral level, and to map out the neural substrate for those interactions with the use of neuroimaging techniques.


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16.         Plasticity of compensatory eye movements

Research group:  J. Goossens, C.I. De Zeeuw (Dept. of Neurosci., EUR), M.A. Frens (Dept. of Neurosci., EUR) and H. Daniel (Inst. Neurosci., Univ. of Paris).



A challenge faced by neuroscience is to understand how model systems of information storage in the brain, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD), function in neural circuits that control behavioral learning. Cerebellar LTD is an attenuation of the granule cell axon - Purkinje cell synapse that occurs after conjunctive stimulation of the granule cell axons and climbing fiber inputs. It has been claimed to underlie several forms of motor learning, including adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and eye blink conditioning. Transgenic mice in which LTD is blocked by Purkinje cell specific inhibition of protein kinase C (L7-PKCI mutants) indeed show impaired adaptation of their vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) while their default eye movement performance is unaffected. However, because L7-PKCI mutants have a persistent multiple climbing fiber innervation at least until the age of 35 days and because the L7-PKCI transgene is probably activated from the early stages of P-cell differentiation and maturation, it could well be that a normal development of P-cell responsiveness to parallel-fiber and climbing-fiber signals is not possible in the L7-PKCI mutant. If so, this could disturb any and all mechanisms of synaptic plasticity that rely either directly or indirectly on proper P-cell signals, which would complicate any further interpretation of the relation between LTD induction and motor learning behavior.



We investigated the discharge of Purkinje cells in alert adult L7-PKCI mice as well as their multiple climbing fiber innervation beyond the age of 3 months. We found that the simple spike and complex spike firing properties such as mean firing rate, interspike interval and spike count variability, oscillations, and climbing fiber pause in the L7-PKCI mutants were indistinguishable from those in their wild type littermates. In addition, we found that multiple climbing fiber innervation does not occur in cerebellar slices obtained from 3-6 months old mutants. These data indicate 1) that neither PKC inhibition nor the subsequent blockage of LTD induction disturbs the spontaneous discharge of Purkinje cells in alert mice; 2) that Purkinje cell specific inhibition of PKC detains rather than prevents the developmental conversion from multiple to mono-innervation of Purkinje cells by climbing fibers; and 3) that as a consequence the impaired motor learning as observed in older adult L7-PKCI mutants cannot be due to either a disturbance in the baseline simple spike and complex spike activities of their Purkinje cells nor to a persistent multiple climbing fiber innervation. We conclude that cerebellar LTD is probably one of the major mechanisms underlying motor learning, but that deficits in LTD induction and motor learning as observed in the L7-PKCI mutants may only be reflected in differences of the Purkinje cell signals during and/or directly after training.



o   Hoebeek F.E., Stahl J.S., van Alphen A.M., Schonewille M., Luo C., Rutteman M., van de Maagdenberg A.M.J.M., Molenaar P.C., Goossens H.H.L.M., Frens M.A., De Zeeuw C.I. Increased noise level of Purkinje cell activities minimizes impact of their modulation during sensorimotor control.

Neuron, 45:953-965, 2005

o   Goossens H.H.L.M., Hoebeek F.E., van Alphen A.M., van der Steen J., Stahl J.S., De Zeeuw C.I., Frens M.A.

Simple spike and complex spike activity of floccular Purkinje cells during the optokinetic reflex in mice lacking cerebellar LTD.

 Eur. J. Neurosci., 19:687-697, 2004

o   De Zeeuw C.I., Koekoek S.K.E., Van Alphen A.M,  Luo C., Hoebeek F.E., Van der Steen J., Frens M.A., Sun J., Goossens, H.H.L.M., Jaarsma D., Coesmans M.P.H., Schmolesky M.T., De Jeu M.T.G. and Galjart N.

Gain and phase control of compensatory eye movements by the vestibulo-cerebellar system.

In: Handbook of Auditory Research (S.M. Highstein, R.R. Fay and A.N. Popper, Ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004

o   Goossens J., Daniel H., Rancillac A., van der Steen J., Oberdick J., Crépel F., De Zeeuw C.I., Frens M.A.

Expression of protein kinase C inhibitor blocks cerebellar long-term depression without affecting Purkinje cell excitability in alert mice.

J. Neurosci., 21:5813-5823, 2001


Funded by: NWO Earth and Life Sciences


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17.         Eye head coordination in 2D under different sensorimotor conditions

Research group:  J. Goossens and J. Van Opstal


In this project, we investigated head-free gaze saccades of human subjects towards visual as well as auditory stimuli presented in the two-dimensional frontal plane, under both aligned and unaligned initial fixation conditions. Although the basic patterns for eye and head movements were qualitatively comparable for both stimulus modalities, systematic differences were also obtained under aligned conditions, suggesting a task-dependent movement strategy. Auditory-evoked gaze shifts were endowed with smaller eye-head latency differences, consistently larger head movements and smaller concomitant ocular saccades, than visually triggered movements.




By testing gaze control for eccentric initial eye positions, we found that the head displacement vector was best related to the initial head motor-error (target-re-head), rather than to the initial gaze error (target-re-eye), regardless of target modality. These findings suggest an independent control of the eye and head motor systems by commands in different frames of reference. However, we also observed a systematic influence of the oculomotor response on the properties of the evoked head movements, indicating a subtle coupling between the two systems. The results are well captured by a 2D eye-head coordination model.


Funded by: NWO Earth and Life Sciences



o   Goossens, H.H.L.M. and Van Opstal, A.J.

Human eye-head coordination in two dimensions under different sensorimotor conditions.

Experimental Brain Research, 114: 542-560, 1997

o   Goossens, H.H.L.M. and Van Opstal, A.J.

Influence of head position on the spatial representation of acoustic targets.

Journal of Neurophysiology, 81: 2720-2736, 1999.


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18.         see also


o       Influence of head position on human sound localization.

o       Saccade-blink interactions: behavior and superior colliculus activity.

o       The generation of rapid double-step saccades: Displacement vs. position integrator?


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Last updated: April 2, 2014